EKO Atlantic

April 19, 2018

    EKO ATLANTIC – a new city built in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It is located off the coast of Lagos in Nigeria, the largest city in Africa, where most people live in slums and where more than 5,000 new residents from the poorest parts of Africa come to live every day.

    In this poor region, an investment that is as large as the artificial islands built in Dubai is being built. On the 8-kilometre-long land recovered from the ocean 10 new urban districts are to be built, including port harbour, business district, down town, hotel area and others, which thanks to infrastructure investments in e.g. an independent source of energy or high-quality water, are to create comfortable conditions for living, working and resting.

    The intention is to create a new business centre for this part of the globe, something that resembles Manhattan and a seaside resort with hotels, marinas and a promenade.

    You can see in the following pictures how it will look in the future:

    To see more, visit the project website atwww.ekoatlantic.com/invest/land . Today, though, it is an opportunity to invest in real estate - exemplary prices range from $2,000 - 3,000 per m2 of undeveloped land, depending on the location. If you think that it is expensive, compare it with transactions of finished premises in already built high-rise buildings: for a two-room apartment an average of $853,000 is paid, which amounts to several thousand dollars per square meter. When you take into account that the buildings here have a dozen or even dozens of floors, the margin gets really impressive, even after taking into account the construction costs.

    Soon, we will publish more information about investing in EKO ATLANTIC on our social media.

    In terms of engineering, the investment is very interesting. It is an artificial peninsula, built in a place where once the mainland was, but it was taken by the ocean due to the shoreline erosion. Now it is protected by the Great Wall of Lagos - an 8.5-km-long protective barrier that separates the ocean from the land. It was designed at the DHI Institute in Copenhagen to provide protection against the strongest storms even for a thousand years.

    The Great Wall of Lagos consists of a dozen or so layers of boulders and stones of various sizes, which, at the base, have a width of up to 44 m. The smallest ones placed at the bottom are to be a filter that prevents the penetration of sand from the bottom to the higher layers of the wall. The next layers of ever larger boulders form the structural core, which stands 11 m above the surface of the water. The core is protected from the impact of waves by a protective armour made of Acrobots.

    These are 5 t reinforced concrete elements, which shape may resemble antitank barriers. If arranged precisely they wedge with each other and thus form one system that can disperse the energy of the ocean. It was calculated that 150,000 of these elements are necessary to build the wall. From the land side, the core of the wall is lined with stones of finer sizes. This allows the filter geotextile to be stacked to prevent sand from escaping from the land part to the inside of the wall.

    Such a wall enables soil to be placed to form a new land for development, and protects it against the force of the ocean. At present, although the formation of the new land has not been completed yet, the construction of the city has already begun. The pictures show the determined road layout and the construction of the first buildings.

    We, the Europeans, are used to consider Africa to be the third world. Perhaps we just see that it is changing and we are on the verge of a future in which countries of the black land will win the title of the economic tigers. If so, we should be carefully watching what is happening out there so as not to miss any opportunity for above-average profits.

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